Reconciliation with Aboriginal peoples is a very important issue in Canada! Did you know that Ontario is home to the largest Aboriginal population in the country?

Yet the history of the relationship between Aboriginal peoples and the Canadian government has been soiled by many injustices and traumas. Recently, Ontarians have decided to actively engage in reconciliation with Aboriginal peoples in order to rebuild a relationship based on trust, respect and equity of opportunity for both communities. Support for Ontario’s commitment to reconciliation with Indigenous peoples takes many forms.

First, it is important to recognize and understand the history and experiences of Aboriginal peoples. This includes learning about the impacts of past and present colonial policies, as well as Aboriginal cultures, traditions and languages. It is also essential to listen to Indigenous voices and take concrete steps to address past injustices and support Indigenous peoples in their quest for healing and opportunity. This includes putting in place policies and programs that address the specific housing, health, education and social needs of Aboriginal communities…
Support for Ontario’s commitment to reconciliation with Aboriginal peoples also takes the form of participation in ceremonies, events and programs that promote dialogue and understanding between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal communities. Training and awareness programs, such as workshops on Aboriginal history and culture, have been developed to increase understanding of reconciliation issues. By working together for reconciliation, we can build a more just, equitable and inclusive future for all Ontarians!

So, if you too, as an entrepreneur looking for new opportunities, want to be a key player in this transition, Happly has the solution for you!

1.Aboriginal Participation Fund – Mineral Development Advisor Stream provides funding for a MDA for eligible Aboriginal communities and organizations to participate effectively in the regulatory consultation processes, including the review of: exploration plan and permit applications closure plans and closure plan amendments environmental assessments

2.Aboriginal Participation Fund – Education and Relationship-Building helps Indigenous communities and organizations: enhance their understanding of mineral exploration and development processes develop relationships between Indigenous communities, industry and government

3.Aboriginal Participation Fund – Values Mapping and Related Projects that focus on values identification or related projects between Indigenous communities, which will support communities’ capacity to effectively participate in and respond to information requests in regulatory processes under the Mining Act.



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