First of all, what a business incubator ? 

As an international business student I briefly have heard about business incubators but for those like me who didn’t know or at least didn’t know much about incubators, they are an organization that supports startups and individual entrepreneurs to develop their own businesses by providing a full scale range of services. These can be teaching management skills and providing office spaces for startups but also help connect new businesses with investors who can provide funding to help them to grow.

Business incubator programs are often funded by different groups, like private companies or city governments, as well as public institutions like colleges and universities. These organizations support business incubators because they believe that helping new businesses get started is beneficial for the economy and can create jobs.

What is the difference between business incubators and business accelerators ?

Business incubators help new companies that are still refining their products and operational models, while business accelerators support established companies that want to rapidly grow. Some organizations offer both programs. Incubators can focus on businesses of all kinds, not just technology.

TOP 10 incubators and accelerators in Canada

As a Belgian student who’s new to Canada, I wasn’t familiar with the Canadian business incubator scene. That’s why writing this article, making some research about incubators/accelerators in Canada help me gain a better understanding of what’s available to entrepreneurs and startups in this country. Whether you’re a Canadian looking for support or an international student interested in launching your own business in Canada, this article will provide you with a useful starting point for exploring the Canadian startup ecosystem. So, without further ado, let’s dive into the 10 incubators/accelerators in Canada you definitely should pay attention to!

  1. Creative Destruction Lab (CDL) was founded in 2012 at the University of Toronto. CDL is one of the most successful incubators in Canada. It has locations in several Canadian cities and has helped to launch more than 400 startups.

  1. MaRS Discovery District – Located in downtown Toronto, MaRS is a leading innovation hub that supports startups in the fields of health, cleantech, fintech, and more. It provides a range of services, including mentorship, funding, and workspace.

  1. Communitech is based in Waterloo, Ontario, Communitech is a public-private innovation center that supports startups in the technology sector. It offers a range of programs, including incubation, acceleration, and funding

  1. DMZ is located at Ryerson University in Toronto, DMZ is a leading incubator and accelerator for startups in the technology sector. It provides a range of services, including mentorship, funding, and networking opportunities.

  1. District 3 – Located in Montreal, District 3 is a startup incubator and accelerator that supports entrepreneurs in a range of industries, including healthcare, finance, and education. It provides a range of services, including mentorship, funding, and workspace.

  1. Velocity – Based at the University of Waterloo, Velocity is an entrepreneurship program that supports startups in a range of industries. It provides a range of services, including mentorship, funding, and workspace. 

  1. Invest Ottawa – Invest Ottawa is an economic development agency that supports startups in Ottawa, Canada’s capital city. It provides a range of services, including incubation, acceleration, and funding.

  1. NEXT AI – Based in Toronto, NEXT AI is an accelerator that provides resources to early-stage startups working on AI-powered solutions. It offers networking opportunities with industry leaders, mentorship, and funding.

  1. Groupe 3737 – Based in Québec City, this incubator aims to support the growth and development of innovative technology startups in Quebec by providing them with mentorship, funding, and access to a network of investors and industry experts.

  1. Hootsuite HQ – Located in Vancouver, Hootsuite HQ is a startup accelerator that supports startups in the technology sector. It provides a range of services, including mentorship, funding, and workspace.

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