Author: Elisa Busnello

Are you tired of the routine of your 9 to 5 job? Do you dream of an exciting, dynamic work environment that constantly pushes the boundaries? Then maybe it’s time to consider working in a startup. As a 20-something myself, I can tell you firsthand that working at a startup is the coolest thing ever. With its boundless energy, innovative ideas, and tight-knit teams, it’s no wonder that startups are taking over the corporate world. In this article, I’ll outline the top reasons why you should consider a career in a startup and how it can help you grow personally…

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The Canadian government has just announced that it will increase compensation for First Nations children who were abused while in foster care by $3.4 billion, bringing the total amount to $23.4 billion. This is a significant step forward in reconciliation with Canada’s Indigenous peoples, as it recognizes the harm suffered by First Nations children and provides compensation for those affected. But what about opportunities for Canada’s Aboriginal youth? Well, that’s where the Northern Youth Cultural Fund comes in. This funding initiative, implemented in partnership with the Northern Sport, Culture and Recreation District (NSCRD), provides funding for interactive cultural, artistic or…

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Firstly, what is AI? AI stands for Artificial Intelligence, which is the development of computer systems that aims to create intelligent machines that can perform tasks that typically require human intelligence, such as understanding natural language, recognizing images, making decisions, and learning from experience. AI systems are designed to learn and improve over time, becoming more accurate and efficient as they process more data. This has become an essential tool for businesses in various sectors. Why should AI be used by businesses? Well, there are a lot of benefits! One of the main advantages is that it can automate tasks…

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First of all, what a business incubator ? As an international business student I briefly have heard about business incubators but for those like me who didn’t know or at least didn’t know much about incubators, they are an organization that supports startups and individual entrepreneurs to develop their own businesses by providing a full scale range of services. These can be teaching management skills and providing office spaces for startups but also help connect new businesses with investors who can provide funding to help them to grow. Business incubator programs are often funded by different groups, like private companies…

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Hey there! I’m Elisa, a 20-year-old Belgian woman who took the leap to move to a completely different country. Yes, you heard that right! I left behind everything I knew and loved to seek new opportunities and challenges. So I packed my bags, and boy, was it worth it!! Moving abroad for professional opportunities has become a hot trend among young graduates and students, and I’m proud to say that I’m one of them. There’s nothing quite like the thrill of immersing yourself in a new culture and seeing the world from a different perspective. But why Canada, you may…

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